> 文章列表 > 正在打乒乓球怎么说




When you\'re in the middle of a thrilling game of table tennis, you can simply say, \"I am currently engaged in a session of table tennis.\" The more casual version would be, \"I\'m currently playing ping pong.\"


As you and your friends enjoy a game of table tennis on the playground, you can express it in English as, \"We are currently engaged in a round of table tennis on the playground.\" The simpler version would be, \"We are playing table tennis on the playground.\"


If each table is for singles, then there would be 2 people per table. With 10 tables, it would accommodate 10 x 2 = 20 players. For doubles matches, each table would have 4 players, so each doubles table hosts 4 - 2 = 2 more players than a singles table. Therefore, with 32 players in total, there would be 32 - 20 = 12 players in doubles matches, which translates to 6 doubles tables.


The term \"正\" can be pronounced as [zhèng] in Chinese. It signifies something that is straight or upright, as opposed to being crooked or slanted. Another pronunciation for \"正\" is [zhēng], which denotes correctness or being in the process of happening.


The phrase \"Thay are playing ping-pong on Sundays\" should actually be corrected to \"They will be playing ping pong on Sundays.\" It indicates a future action using the present continuous tense.


To express your enjoyment of playing badminton and table tennis in English, you can say, \"I like to play badminton and ping pong.\" A more formal version would be, \"My favorite sports are badminton and table tennis.\"


If there are x tables set up for doubles matches, then the rest of the tables (12 - x) would be for singles matches. With each singles table accommodating 4 players and each doubles table hosting 2 more players than singles, the total number of players can be represented by the equation 4x + 2(12 - x) = 34. Solving the equation gives x = 5, meaning there are 5 tables for doubles matches and 7 tables for singles matches.


Three possible solutions can be provided for this scenario: first, using the equation 2x + 4(12 - x) = 34 to find x = 7 and 12 - x = 5, which implies there are 7 tables for singles matches and 5 tables for doubles matches.


In English, you would say, \"Some girls are reading books\" to express that some girls are engrossed in their reading sessions. To indicate that some girls are playing table tennis, you can simply say, \"Some girls are playing table tennis.\"


If all the games are doubles matches, there would be a total of 48 players (12 x 4). Since there are only 34 players, this leaves 14 players (48 - 34) unaccounted for. With each singles match needing 2 players, there must be 7 tables for singles matches and 5 tables for doubles matches.